Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The real first post for a real happy new year

Before my actual first post becomes my last post, I decided to take to blogging more frequently. Why this sudden change of heart? Well, because I recently started working from home and my job is to write articles for online publishing. As I wrote more and more, I discovered I really have a knack for writing! Yay! So it was only natural to write my own blog, notwithstanding that I actually created the blog 3 years ago..sheesh, and never wrote anything.

Now, as to my knack for writing, I have spent nearly 2 hours figuring out what to write, then turned to fine tuning the blog, spent about half an hour there and finally realized that I, in fact, don't have a knack for writing stuff about myself. I dont know about others who started writing but suddenly all my wonderful ideas seemed stupid and not worth sharing with anyone. Sigh! Nevertheless, stupid or not, here goes.

There is something very fresh about a new year. it is almost like a clean slate where you can begin to decide how you will spend your time. Unfortunately, I was never any good at new year resolutions. so this year, I decided to adopt an attitude to remedy my myopic views in life. It's called, "will it matter five years from now?" I must have read about it somewhere because it is not an original thought. I have sometimes jokingly asked my husband this question, when were are in a heated discussion/argument.

I am not very good at keeping things in perspective. The earliest I can remember is any disagreement with my parents could kill my mood for days and more recently even a rude driver can ruin my day. A worthless argument here, a cancelled dinner plan there and an entire week gone. So, I started asking myself, "will it matter five years from now?" and ah, the relief! It just took the edge off things and helped me view things in a better perspective. The maid takes a leave without informing? Wont matter five years from now. My daughter refusing to give up breastfeeding at 2 years old? Probably wont matter five years from now. And so on..

These simple words have helped me focus on the really important things in life. I have big plans like any other woman, and now small things don't get in the way of my big plans. I am happier today than I was last year. I carry a lesser burden of guilt and doubts on my shoulder. And most importantly, it has improved my relationship with friends and family.

So, a big cheers to 2014 and hope you all have a happier one like me :)


  1. Well done Richa! Surely you are off to a grand start! Looking forward to read more from you. until then.. more power to your pen.. erm well, keyboard! ;)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Madiha. How are you?

    2. chaa.... great start :) .... very helpful also .... In such chaos around we definitely need a change in perspective....

    3. Thanks Phaa. I have left my new number in your message box.

  2. Wow, well written....however too short for me, wanted to continue reading......this is also inspiring me to start writing soon

    1. Thanks JP. Writing is a means of catharsis to me. Much like cooking :)
